Welcome to the wonderful world of Couples Game Night! My name is Tre and I am thrilled to be hosting this exciting event with my lovely wife Bmarie!

Let me share with you a little bit about how this incredible experience came to be. A few years ago, we hosted a Bridal Shower for a family member and were blown away by how much fun everyone had. There were games, laughter, and plenty of opportunity for couples to bond and connect. That evening, we realized just how powerful it can be to bring couples together in a fun and open setting.

From that moment on, my wife and I were inspired to create an opportunity for couples to keep their spark shinning brightly on a regular basis. We wanted to cultivate a space where couples could let loose, build connections, and make unforgettable memories. And thus, Couples Game Night was born!

We've poured our hearts and souls into designing an event that is both exciting and awe-inspiring. With a wide variety of games and activities, there is something for couples of all ages and interests. Our goal is to create an environment where you can forget about the stresses of everyday life and focus on having fun and building a deeper connection with your partner.

Whether you're a long-time couple or just getting to know each other, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable evening of games, laughter, and connection. We can't wait to see you there!